Available in many nurseries
Occasionally found in nurseries
Rare, usually not available in nurseries
Fast growing
Medium growing
Slow growing
This comprehensive guide was compiled by Ian Wilson and Geoff Parker from a list which originated in Florida, U.S.A.
FRUITSUSESEvergreen or Decid., Growth, Wind Resistance Salt Tolerance, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Flood Tolerance.NOTES
Chinese gooseberry,
Yangtao, Kiwi
ChinaVine, largemed. ovoid brown, hairy, sweet greeen fleshfresh, preserves, cookingDF21321Seeds,
-Best adapted to cool subtropical or warm temperate climate
Aegle marmelosBael FruitIndia, Ceylontree, mediumlarge, hard-shelledfreshES21221SeedsC 
Anacardium occidentaleCashewW.Indies,Tropical Americatree mediumlarge apple-like fleshy part, nutfresh drink, preserves, wine, nuts roastedHS21132seeds, graftingCdifficult to grow in limestone soils
Ananas comosusPineappleTropical AmericaherbLarge, yellow-orange, juicy, sub-acidfresh, canned, juice, etc.EF21121ratoons, suckers, slips, crownB 
Annona cherimolaCherimoyaPeru, Ecuadortree, smalllarge, sweetfreshDS11321grafting, seeds- 
Annona diversifoliaIlamaMexico C.A.tree, smalllarge pink or whitefresh, ice creamDM11221seeds, graftingCfruit excellent but shy bearer
Annona glabraPond AppleTropical America, S. Floridatree, small, mediumlarge, yellow, barely edible DM22212seedsCrootstock for other annonas
Annona montanaMountain SoursopWest Indiestree, smalllarge, yellow, poor flavourdrinkDF11122seedsC 
Annona muricataSoursop, GuanabanaTropical Americatree, smalllarge, green, soft spinesdrink, ice creamDF11221seeds, graftingB 
Annona purpureaSoncoyaMexicotree, smalllarge, brown, orange aromatic pulpfreshDF1?131seedsC 
Annona reticulataCustard Apple, Bullock's HeartTropical Americatree, smalllarge, almost smooth, poor qualityfreshDF11221seedsC 
Annona squamosasugar apple, sweetsopTropical Americatree, smalllarge, heart-shaped, segmented white, creamy pulpfresh, ice creamDF11111grafting, seedsA 
Annona squamosa X A. cherimolaAtemoyaTropical Americatree, smalllarge, smooth to segmented, sweetfresh, drink, ice creamDF11111GraftingB 
Antidesma buniusBignayMalaysia, W. Australiatree, small to mediumsmall, long currant-like clusters, male and femalejelly, juice, wineEF22121airlayers, grafting, seedsCAn excellent juice fruit, tree attractive when in fruit
Antidesma dallachyanumHerbert River CherryAustraliatree, small to mediumAs above but fruits largerjelly, juice, wineEM22121airlayers, grafting, seedsCAn excellent juice fruit, tree attractive when in fruit
Artocarpus communisBreadfruitJava, other islandstree, largelarge, round green, seedlessbaked, boiled, roastedEF22011roots, cuttingsCrequires tropical climate
Artocarpus hypargyraeaKwai MukSouth Chinatree, smallsmall, round, yellowfreshES21121seedsCgood ornamental, slow to fruit
Artocarpus heterophyllusJakfruitIndia, Malayatree, largev. large elongated, segmented, green to yellowfresh, cooked, dried, seeds, roastedE s22111seeds, graftingAhardier than the breadfruit
Averrhoa bilimbiBilimbi, pickle fruitMalayan regiontree, smallmedium pickle-like greenish-yellowpickles, preservesES21111seedsC 
Averrhoa carambolaCarambola, Star FruitMalayan regiontree, mediumlarge, yellow-orange, 5-ribbedfresh, jelly, juice, preservesES31211grafting, seedsAhandsome tree, desirable dooryard fruit. Commercial
FRUITSUSESEvergreen or Decid., Growth, Wind Resistance Salt Tolerance, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Flood Tolerance.NOTES
Baccaurea dulcisRambaiS.E. Asiatree, mediumsmall, yellowish in long clusters, flesh whitish, sweetfreshEM??1??seedsC 
Bactris gasipaesPeach palm, PejibayeCentral and S. Americapalm, mediummed. ovoid with yellow oily fleshcooked, preservesEM3?12?seedsBcold sensitive
Blighia sapidaAkee, Vegetable BrainWest Africatree, mediumlarge, yellow-red, black seeds, edible arilaril fried, freshEF12121seedsC 
Borojoa patinoiBorojoColombiatree, smallmed. spherical, dark brown pulp, many small seedsfreshES221??seedsC 
Bouea macrophyllaMaprangS.E. Asiatree, mediumsmall, oval, one large seed, acidulous pulpfresh, cooked, preservesEM1212?seeds, graftingCdesirable dooryard fruit
Brosimum alicastrumMaya BreadnutCentral Americatree, medium to largesmall, orange, thin pulp, large starchy seedseed cookedEF2223?seedsCgrows well in limestone soils, good ornamental and shade tree
Butia capitataJelly PalmBrazilpalm, mediumlarge, yellow, in clustersjelly, freshEF32331seedsCvery cold-hardy palm
Byrsonima crassifoliaNanceCentral Americatree, mediumsmall, sweet, aromatic, yellowfreshEF21121seedsC 
Calocarpum virideGreen SapoteCentral Americatree, largelarge, greenfreshES21121seedsC 
Carica papayaPapayaTropical Americatall, herblarge, yellow melon-likefresh, juiceEF10111seeds, graftingB 
Carissa carandasKarandaIndiashrubsmall, acid, purplish-blackjuice, jellyEM32221seeds, airlayers, cuttingsCthorny
Carissa grandifloraCarissa, Natal plumS. Africashrubmedium size, red, milky juicefresh, salads, sauce, juiceEF33221seeds, airlayers, cuttingsAthorny, thornless selections good for hedges, ornamental
Casimiroa edulisWhite sapote, MatasanoMexico, C. Americatree, mediumlarge, custard-like, sweet. yellowishfreshDF21321grafting, seedsB 
Casimiroa tetrameriaWooly-leaved white sapoteMexico, C. Americatree, mediumlarge, yellowish, custard-like sweetfreshDF21321grafting, seedsC 
Cecropia peltataCecropiaCentral and S. Americatree, mediumcylindrical, hollow, soft, sweet flesh, many small seedsfreshEF22222seedsCfast-growing, cold-sensitive, much variation of fruit quality
Ceratonia siliquaCarob, St John's BreadMediterranean regiontree, largelarge podflour, syrupEF32331seeds, graftingCgrows better in dry climate
Cereus spp.PitayaCentral Americavine, largemed. oval, pink or yellow, pulp red or white, many small seedsfreshDF22332cuttingsBlarge flowers open at night, may need hand pollination, easy to grow
Chrysobalanus icacoCoco plumS. Florida, W. Indiesshrubsmooth, white or purple, cotton-like pulpfresh, jellies, preservesES33123seedsBgrown as an ornamental
Chrysophyllum caimitoStar Appletropical Americatree, largelarge, purple, gold, greenfreshES21121seeds, cuttings, graftingA 
Citrus aurantifoliaKey, Mexican or W. Indian limeS. Asiatree, smallsmall to med. yellow when mature, very sour, aromaticjuice, pieEM21120budding, airlayers, seeds, cuttingsAfor home planting
FRUITSUSESEvergreen or Decid., Growth, Wind Resistance Salt Tolerance, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Flood Tolerance.NOTES
Citrus aurantiumsour or Seville orangeS. Asiatree, mediumlarge, sourjuice, marmaladeEF21312seeds, airlayers, cuttingsBused as rootstock for other citrus
Citrus grandisPummeloS. Asiatree, mediumv. large, thick skin pink or yellow fleshfresh, peel candiedEF22211buddingAcommercial and home planting
Citrus latifoliaTahiti or Persian Limeunknowntree, smallmed. green, v. sour, aromaticjuice, processed productsEF11110budding, airlayers, cuttingsAcommercial and home planting
Citrus limonLemonS. Asiatree, smallsmall to large, some rough skin, sourjuice, flavouringEF11210budding, airlayers, cuttingsA 
Citrus madurensisCalamondinPhilippinestree, smallsmall, round orange, sourjuice, preserves, marmaladeEM21310buddingBpopular
Citrus nobilisKing orangeS.E. Asiatree, mediumlarge, rough skinjuice, freshEM21310buddingB 
Citrus paradisiGrapefruitW. Indiestree, medium to largelarge, yellow, subacidfresh, juiceEF21310buddingAcommercial and home planting
Citrus reticulataTangerine, Mandarin, OrangeS. Asiatree, small to mediumround, sweet, loose-skinnedfresh, juice, rootstockEM22322budding, seedsAcommercial and home planting
Citrus reticulata X C. sinensisTangeloFlorida, W. Indiestree, mediumlarge, sweet, juicyfresh, juiceEF21210buddingAcommercial and home planting
Citrus reticulata X C. sinensisTangorsFlorida, W. Indiestree, mediumlarge, sweet, juicyfresh, juiceEM21310buddingBcommercial and home planting
Citrus sinensisSweet orangeS. Asiatree, mediumlarge, sweet, juicyfresh, juiceEF21310buddingAcommercial and home planting
Clausena lansiumWampee, WampiS. Chinatree, smallsmall, round, yellow-green, aromaticfresh, juice, jellyEF21220seeds, cuttings, graftingBgood ornamental
Coccaloba uviferaSea GrapeS. Florida, tropical Americatree, medium to largeSmall, purple to white, in clustersjellyEM33132seeds, airlayersCgood ornamental
Cocos nuciferaCoconutSouth Pacificpalm, talllarge, fibrous outsidefresh, juice, grated, oilEM33123seedsAgood ornamental
Coffea arabicaCoffeeEthiopiasmall tree or shrubsmall, red, sweetbeverage from seedES11010seeds, graftingB 
Couepia polyandraOlosapoCentral Americatree, smallmed. elliptical, rough surface, soft flesh, one seedfreshEF2????seedsAattractive tree, Easy to grow in warm areas
Cynometra caulifloraNamnamS.E. Asiatree, smallfleshy pod 2-4 inches long, subacid pulp, one seedfreshEM2????seedsCslow-growing
Cyphomandra betaceaTree TomatoPerusmall tree or shrubmedium, tomato-likefresh, cookedEF01110seedsCshort-lived plant, susceptible to nematodes
Dialium indumVelvet TamarindS.E. Asiatree, largefleshy pod, black, velvety rind, edible sweet pulpfreshEM?????seedsC 
Diospyros blancoi (discolor)Velvet Apple, MaboloPhilippinestree, mediumlarge, covered with reddish-brown hairsfreshEF32122seeds graftingCunusual fruit and foliage, attractive
FRUITSUSESEvergreen or Decid., Growth, Wind Resistance Salt Tolerance, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Flood Tolerance.NOTES
Diospyros digyna (ebenaster)Black sapoteMexicotree, mediumlarge, dark green to black, sweetfresh, dessertsEF32122seeds, graftingB 
Diospyros kakiJapanese or Oriental PersimmonChina, Japantree, smalllarge, yellow orange, sweet, seedlessfreshDS31322graftingC 
Diospyros virginianaPersimmonN. Americatree, mediumsmall to medium, orange, sweetfreshDM31333seeds, graftingCgood rootstock for Japanese Persimmon
Dovyalis abyssinicaAbyssinian DovyalisEthiopiashrub, medium, male and femalesmall, orange tartfresh, jamEM21121seeds, cuttingsCgreat variation in fruit flavour and quality
Dovyalis caffraKei appleS. Africashrub, male and femalemedium, yellow tartfresh, jelly, preserves, saucesES31221airlayers, seedsCvery thorny, variable quality
Dovyalis hebecarpaCeylon gooseberry, KitembillaCeylonshrub, large, male and femalesmall, dark purple, sour, poor flavourjelly, juice, preservesEF31232seeds, cuttingsCvigorous, prolific
Dovyalis hebecarpa X D. abyssinicaHybrid DovyalisFloridashrub, large, male and femalemed. yellowish-brown, subacidfresh, juice, jellyEF31231airlayer, cuttingsCplants vigorous, heavy bearing
Durio zibethinusDurianS.E. Asiatree, largelarge, covered with sharp protuberances, sweet, aromaticfresh, preservesEF3100?seeds, graftingBgrows best in tropical climate
Eleagnus philippensisLingaroPhilippinesscandent shrub, largesmall, pale red, sweetfresh, jellyEF32122seeds, cuttingsCattractive ornamental
Fortunella margaritaOval or Nagami KumquatS.E. Chinashrub or small treesmall, orange, sourmarmalade, conserveEM21311buddingBhome planting
Garcinia livingstoneiImbeE. Africatree, small, male and femalesmall, round, orange, large seedfreshES31231seedsC 
Garcinia mangostanaMangosteenIndonesiatree, mediummedium, ovate, soft, white sweet pulpfreshES21002seedsB 
Garcinia xanthochymus (G. tinctoria)GambogeS.E. Asiatree, mediummedium, ovate, yellow, acid pulp, 2 large seedsfresh, preservesES3?332seedsCattractive ornamental
Genipa americanaGenip, Marmalade boxS. Americatree, mediumlarge, greenfreshES210??seedsCnbsp;
Hancornia speciosaMangabaBraziltree, mediummedium, red, thin skin, sweet flesh, 1 seedfreshEM?????seedsC 
Harpephyllum caffrumKaffir PlumS. Africatree, smallsmall, thin skin, sweet flesh, 1 large seedfreshEM???3?seedsC 
Hibiscus sabdariffaRoselleOld world tropicsannual herbaceous shrubcalyxes edible, sourcooked, sauce, dry, tea F11121seedsC 
Hovenia dulcisChinese raisinJapan, Chinatree, mediumsweet edible pedicelfresh, driedDS3?32?seeds, root cuttingsCgrows best in cool subtropical climate
Inga spp.IngaS.Americatree, mediumlarge, fleshy pod, sweet pulpfreshEF??1??seedsCcold sensitive
Lansium domesticumLangsatS.E. Asiatree, mediummedium, sweetfreshEM211??seeds, airlayerin, graftingC 
FRUITSUSESEvergreen or Decid., Growth, Wind Resistance Salt Tolerance, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Flood Tolerance.NOTES
Licania platypusSunsapoteCentral Americatree, largelarge, oval, orange,, fibrous, sweet flesh, 1 large seedfreshEF2?1??seedsC 
Macadamia tetraphyllaRough-shell MacadamiaAustraliatree, mediumshell very hard, white kernelfresh, roastedES31221airlayers, seeds, graftingAa delicious nut and attractive tree
Malpighia glabraW. Indian or Barbados Cherry, AcerolaWest Indies, C. and S. Americashrubberry, large red, juice sweet or tartfresh, juice, iceE f21121airlayers, cuttingsBattractive plant, fruits very high in Vitamin C
Malus pumila (sylvestris)AppleEuropetree, mediumlarge, sweetfresh, canned preservedDM31311graftingCdoes not grow satisfactorily in N. Queensland
Mammea americanaMamey appleW. Indies, S. Americatree, medium to largelarge, round, sweet to subacid, brownfresh, cooked, jamES32022seeds, graftingC 
Mangifera indicaMangoS.E. Asiatree, largemedium to large, variable colour, good flavourfresh, preserved, frozenEM21122grafting, seedsAcommercial and home planting
Mangifera odorataKuwiniS.E. Asiatree, largelarge, oval, green skin, sweet orange aromatic pulp, 1 seedfreshEM22222seeds, graftingCeasy to grow
Manilkara zapota (Achras zapota)Sapodilla, Nispero, ChicozapoteMexico, C. Americatree, mediumlarge, brown, sweet tan pulp, several flat black seedsfresh, sherbetsES32231seeds, graftingB 
Melicocca bijugaSpanish lime, MamoncilloTropical Americatree, large, male and femalemedium, green, whitish pulp, subacidfreshES32031seeds, airlayersC 
Monstera deliciosaMonstera, CerimanMexico and Guatemalashrub-like vinelong, sweet, aromaticfresh, saladsEF22121cuttings, seedsBgrown for large unusual leaves and fruit
Morus spp.MulberryN. temperate zonetree, medium to largesmall, juicy sweetfresh, pies, preservesDF21332cuttings, graftingB 
Muntingia calaburaCapulin, Panama berry, Jamaica cherryTropical Americatree, smallsmall berry, red or yellow, sweet, aromaticfresh, jam, tartsEF01121seeds, suckersCattractive fast-growing shade tree
Musa hybridsBananaOld World Tropicslarge herblarge, sweet, yellowfreshEF10111suckers  
Musa hybridsPlantain, cooking bananaOld World Tropicslarge herblarge, yellow or red, starchycookedEF00011suckers  
Myrciaria caulifloraJaboticabaBrazilshrub or small treemedium, round black, sweetfresh, frozen, wineES21211seeds, graftingB 
Myrciaria floribundaGuava BerryW. Indiestree, smallsmall, yellow, sweet aromatic pulp, 1 or 2 seedsfresh, flavouringsES3?22?seedsCattractive ornamental
Myrciaria glomerataYellow JaboticabaBrazilshrubsmall, yellow, sweet pulp, 2 seedsfreshES3?21?seedsCsubject to iron deficiency in limestone soils, good ornamental
Myrciaria paraensisCamu camuS. Americashrub or small treesmall, red, acid pulpfresh, juiceES3???3seedsC 
Myrciaria vexatorBlue Grape, False JaboticabaS. Americashrub, mediumsmall, purple, thin sweet flesh, 1 or 2 seedsfreshES3?22?seedsC 
Nauclea esculentaNaucleaW. Africatree, smallmedium, red, firm sweet pulp, many tiny seedsfreshEM3?22?seedsC 
FRUITSUSESEvergreen or Decid., Growth, Wind Resistance Salt Tolerance, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Flood Tolerance.NOTES
Nephelium lappaceumRambutanS.E. Asiatree, mediummedium, red, yellow or white sweet pulpfresh, preservedEM21012seeds, graftingBgrows best in a warm climate
Nephelium mutabilePulasanMalaysiatree, largesmall, oval, leathery red skin, translucent sweet flesh, 1 seedfreshEM?????seedsCgrows best in a warm climate
Olea europaeaOliveMediterranean areatree, mediumsmall, green or black, oilypreserved, oilES32331seeds, cuttings, graftingCrequires cold winter
Opuntia ficus-indicaPrickly pear, tunaMexico, C. Americashrub, largemedium red or white, sweet, many small seedsfresh, jelly, jamES32331cuttingsCrequires dry cold climate
Passiflora edulisPurple Passionfruit, GranadillaBrazilvinemedium, purple, subacid, juicy, many seedsfresh, juice, sherbetEF11210seeds, cuttings, graftingB 
Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpaYellow Passionfruit, GranadillaBrazilvinemedium, juicy, subacid, yellowfresh, juice, sherbetEF11211seeds, cuttings, graftingB 
Passiflora quadrangularisGiant GranadillaTropical AmericaVinevery large, greenish-yellow, subacidjuice, cookedEF11111seeds, cuttingsCsometimes requires hand pollination
Pereskia aculeataBarbados gooseberryTropical Americavine, largesmall, yellow, juicy subacid pulpfresh, preservesEM3?23?seeds, cuttingsC 
Persea americanaAvocadoTropical Americatree, medium to largelarge, green or purple, flesh yellow, nutty flavourfresh, saladsEF112,
20seeds, graftingA 
Phoenix dactyliferaDateMiddle Eastpalm, mediumsmall, brown, sweetfresh, driedEM32332seeds, off shootsC 
Phyllanthus acidusOtaheite gooseberry, GrosellaMadagascar, Indiatree, medium, male and femalemedium, 6-lobed, pale green, sourpreserves, piesDF11121seeds, cuttingsC 
Phyllanthus emblicaEmblic, MyrobolanTropical Asiatree, large, male and femaleround, smooth green, sourpreservesDF11121seed, buddingC 
Pleiogynium timorense P. cerasiferum Burdekin plumAustraliatree, mediumsmall, purple, oblate, thin subacid pulp, large irregular seedjellyDM2?23?seedsC 
Pometia pinnataFijian longanTropical Asiatree, largesmall, brownish, leathery skin, translucent subacid flesh, 1 seedfreshEM2?2??seedsC 
Pourouma spp.Amazon tree-grapetreeS. Americasmall, red, thin skin, sweet flesh, 1 seedfreshEF2?11?seedsC 
Pouteria caimitoAbiuAmazon basintree, mediummedium to large, oval smooth, yellow, sweetfreshES21012seeds, graftingA 
Pouteria campechianaCanistel, Egg fruit, Yellow sapoteCentral and S. Americatree, small to mediumvariable in size, shape, yellowfresh, smoothies, cookedEF22121seeds, graftingBfruit flesh characteristics vary from dry to moist
Pouteria obovataLucmoS. Americatree, mediummedium, ovate, sweet yellow pulp, similar to canistelfreshES??1??seedsC 
Pouteria sapotaSapote, Mamey sapote, Mamey coloradoCentral Americaatree, largelarge, reddish brownfresh, ice cream, sherbetsES21121seeds, graftingB 
Prunus persicaPeachAsiatree, smallmedium, yellow and red, sweetfresh, frozen, cookedDF21311seeds, graftingB 
FRUITSUSESEvergreen or Decid., Growth, Wind Resistance Salt Tolerance, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Flood Tolerance.NOTES
Pseudanamomis umbelluliferaCiruelasVenezuela, Puerto Ricoshrub, mediumsmall, yellow, juicy sweet pulp, 1 seedfreshES2?2??seedsC 
Psidium aracaAracaS. Americatree, smallsmall, yellow, firm subacid pulp, many seedsfresh, jelly, juiceES2?22?seedsC 
Psidium cattleianumCattley, Strawberry guavaBrailshrub or small treesmall, round, red or yellow, subacidfresh, jellyEF22311seedsB 
Psidium friedrichsthalianumCasCentral Americatree, smallmedium, yellow, soft acid pulp, many seedsfresh, jelly, juiceEM2?22?seedsCattractive ornamental
Psidium guajavaGuavaMexico, S. Americatree, small to mediummedium to large, round sweet or sour, aromaticfresh, jelly, preserves, juiceEF31123seeds, airlayers, graftingAfruits high in vitamin C, prolific
Punica granatumPomegranateAsiashrub, small to largelarge, round, juicy pulp, many seedsfresh, juice, jellyHS32331seeds, cuttingsB 
Quararibea cordataS. American Sapote, Matisia, Chupa ChupaS. Americatree, mediumlarge, elliptical, thick skin, fibrous orange-yellow sweet flesh, 2-5 seedsfreshEF?????seeds, graftingBgrows best in a warm climate
Rheedia aristataCuban mangosteenW. Indiestree, mediumsmall, yellow, white slightly sweet pulp, 1 or 2 large seedsfreshES3?22?seedsCattractive ornamental, glossy dark green leaves
Rheedia brasiliensisBakupariS. Americatree, smallsmall, ovate, tough skin, white subacid pulp, 2 seedsfreshES???2?seedsC*Editor's note: there is great confusion and disagreement over many of the exact botanical names of the Rheedias and Garcinias. Even the experts disagree.
Rheedia laterifloraWild MammeeTropical Americatree, smallmedium, firm rind, soft, white subacid pulp, 1-2 seedsfreshES2?22?seedsC 
Rheedia macrophyllaCharichuelaS. Americatree, smallmedium, firm yellow rind, soft white subacid pulp, 1-2 seedsfreshES2?22?seedsC 
Rheedia madrunoMadronoTropical Americatreemedium, firm yellow rind, soft white subacid pulp, 1-3 seedsfreshES2?22?seedsC 
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Downy MyrtleTropical Asiashrubsmall, greenish-purple, sweetjam, pieEF31323seedsC 
Rollinia deliciosaBiribaAmazon basintree, mediumlarge, yellow with brown protuberances, white, sweet pulpfreshHF11111seedsB 
Rubus albescensMysore black raspberryIndiabush, smallblack, sweet, juicyfresh, juice, ice creamEF21210seeds, cuttings, tip layeringB 
Rubus hybridsblackberryN. Americashrubsmall, black sweet, many seedsfresh, preserves, cookingDM3?32?seeds, cuttingsC 
Salacca edulisSalak palmJavapalmmedium, spherical, covered with overlapping brown scales, pulp sweet to tart, 1 seedfresh, preservesEM3????seedsB 
Sandoricum koetjapeSantolS.E. Asiatree, medium to largemedium, subacid, juicyfreshEM2112?seeds, airlayering, graftingB 
Solanum quitoenseNaranjillaEquador, Colombiashrubmedium, hairy, green inside, juicyjuiceEF01111seeds, grafting on S. macranthum seedlingsCseedlings susceptible to root knot nematodes
Solanum topiro (S. sessiliflorum)CoconaS. Americalarge herbaceous plantsmall to medium ovoid, orange, subacid to sour pulp, many small seedspreserves, jelly, cookingEF1??11seedsCnot well adapted to hot climates, susceptible to nematodes
FRUITSUSESEvergreen or Decid., Growth, Wind Resistance Salt Tolerance, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Flood Tolerance.NOTES
Spondias cythereaAmbarella, Otaheite appleS. Pacifictree, largelarge, yellow sweet pulp, large spiny stonefresh, preserves, jellyDF12131airlayers, large cuttingsB 
Spondias mombinYellow MombinTropical Americatree, mediumsmall, yellow, subacid, large seedfresh, cooked, jellyDM12131seeds, cuttingsC 
Spondias purpureaRed or purple mombinTropical Americatree, mediumsmall, red, subacidfresh, cooked, jellyDM12131seeds, cuttingsC 
Spondias tuberosaImbuS. Americatree, mediummedium, sweetfresh, cookedDS11131seeds, cuttingsC 
Synsepalum dulcificumMiracle FruitW. Africatree, smallsmall, oval red, sweetfreshES11011seedsBfruit makes sour things taste sweet, requires cold protection
Syzygium aqueumWater appleS.E. Asiatree, smallsmall, red, crisp sweet white flesh, seedless or 1 seedfreshEM2?1??seeds, airlayeringCattractive ornamental
Syzygium cuminiJambolan, Java PlumS.E. Asiatree, largemedium, plum-like, purple, usually astringentjelly, juice, wineEF32122seeds, graftingBfast growing shade tree
Syzygium jambosRose AppleE. Indiestree, mediumround, pale yellow, sweet, aromaticfresh, candied, preservesEF22122seedsBgood shade tree
Syzygium javanicumWax JambuEast Indiestree, largemedium, red, sweet, wateryfresh, preservesEF22012seedsC 
Syzygium malaccenseMalay AppleS.E. Asiatree, largelarge, red, sweet, wateryfresh, preservesEF22012seeds, airlayersC 
Talisia oliviformisCotoprizCentral and S. Americatree, mediumsmall, spherical, leathery skin, translucent yellowish or pink pulp, 1 large seedfreshES2?13?seedsC 
Tamarindus indicaTamarindIndiatree, largepod, brown, pulp date-likedrink, preserves, chutneyEM33131seeds, airlayers, graftingBone of the best shade trees; fruits high in sugar, calcium, phosphorus and thiamine
Theobroma cacaoCocoaTropical Americashrub or small treelarge, yellow and red, sweet pulp surrounding seedsseeds processed into chocolateEM1100?seeds, airlayers, graftingCgrows only in warm areas
Triphasia trifoliaLimeberryIndiasmall shrubsmall, red, thin skin, mucilaginous pulp, 1-3 seedsfresh, preservesEM2?22?seedsCexcellent ornamental shrub
Vitis spp.GrapesAmerica, Europe, AsiaVinesmall, round sweet, in bunchesfresh, juice, jellyDM21321cuttings, graftingB 
Zizyphus jujubaChinese jujube, Chinese dateAsiashrub or small treesmall, oval, ellow or brown, sweetfresh, dried, preservedDM22332seeds, cuttingsC 
Zizyphus mauritianaIndian or Malay jujubeIndiatree, medium, thornysmall, oval yellow or brown, sweetfresh, dried, jelly, candiedEF22232seedsCprolific
Ian Wilson and Geoff Parker

DATE: November 1989 and January 1990

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