2 tsp gelatine
¼ cup cold water
¼ cup boiling water
8 ozs cream cheese
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon peppermint essence
2 Tbl lemon juice
½ can (375 ml) evaporated milk
2 ripe avocados

Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes, then dissolve in boiling water. Cool.

Cream together cheese, sugar, lemon juice until smooth and fluffy. Add essences. Beat again.

Whip up evaporated milk until stiff. Beat into cooled gelatine, mix and fold in whipped milk.

Blend two avocados until creamy, and fold into mixture. Pour into crumb crust. Refrigerate until set.

Decorate with curls of chocolate or whatever.

Avocado Growers of W.A. newsletter

DATE: January 1986

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