250 gr. cream cheese
2 Tbl chopped hazelnuts (or use toasted almonds or peanuts)
2 avocados
l½ Tbl sifted icing sugar
375 g small strawberries
strained juice of a lemon mixed with equal quantity of water
a small bowl of sifted icing sugar and another of fresh, strained orange juice.
Peel, halve and stone one avocado and cover immediately with lemon and water mixture to prevent discolouration.
Peel second avocado and cut into long tapering slices, cover these with lemon mix.
Mix nuts, cream cheese and icing sugar together thoroughly and mound into pyramid in centre of dish.
Arrange halved avocado left and right of mould, then stud it all over with strawberries, putting the largest on the top. Place slices of avocado to form petals around the edge of the dish. Serve with icing sugar and the orange juice.
DATE: July 1980
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