FAMILY: Musaceae

In June, 1988, I visited banana variety collections in Indonesia, (Cibinong, Bogor, Purwodadi, Tlekung), Malaysia (MARDI), Thailand (Pakchong) and the Philippines (Los Baños, Davao) searching for disease resistant varieties for Australia and our South Pacific neighbours. While collecting suitable resistant varieties, I classified the range of banana germplasm in the collections. Table 1 is a summary showing the more important varieties and their various names in the different countries. Names and spellings given for a variety also vary within countries. The most widely used name is given in the table. Many more varieties exist in this region which is recognized as the centre of origin of bananas. Those varieties not mentioned in the table are of minor importance.

In the November, 1988 RFC Newsletter there was an article which discussed the virtues of various banana varieties in Indonesia. As can be seen from Table 1 we already have most of the varieties mentioned in that article in Australia (Some are still in quarantine). Some additional meanings of Indonesia/Malaysia variety names are:

Other varieties mentioned in the article were P. Batu and P. Klutuk which are the wild seeded species Musa balbisiana. P. Seribu is the thousand-fruited banana (AAB) which is perhaps only of ornamental interest, and P. Kapas is an ABB cooking banana. However, I am unfamiliar with P. Banten, P. Manggala, P. Bidgi and P. Kipas mentioned in the article.

The QDPI is committed to improving the profitability of banana growing in Queensland and ensuring its long-term viability. Threats to the commercial banana industry by black Sigatoka leaf disease and Moko disease (Bacterial Wilt), present overseas, and Race 4 of Panama disease (Fusarium Wilt) and bunchy top virus, which is confined to Southern Queensland, means that strict quarantine must be enforced when new varieties are being introduced to ensure these diseases do not enter and jeopardize our industry. Collecting and quarantine usually takes about 2 years, which is followed by thorough field evaluation which can take a further 3 to 6 years before release.

Table 1 Important South East Asian Banana Varieties - Classification and Synonyms

GenomeStover and Simmonds*
Australian NameIndonesian NameMalaysian NameThai NameFilipino NameOther Info

AASucrierSucrierPisang** EmasPisang MasKluai KhaiAmas 
 -----SenoritaQuarantine Eagle Farm
 --Pisang LampungPisang Lemak Manis-InarnabalQuarantine Eagle Farm
 -LakatanPisang BeranganPisang Berangan-Lakatan 
AAAGros Michel Gros Michel Pisang AmbonPisang EmbunKluai Hom ThongAmbon 
 Dwarf CavendishDwarf CavendishPisang BadakPisang SerendahKluai Hom KhomSulay Baguio 
 Giant CavendishWilliams---Giant Cavendish 
 Pisang Masak HijauLacatanPisang Ambon LumutPisang Masak HijauKluai Hom KhieoBungulan 
 RedRed DaccaPisang UdangPisang Raja UdangKluai NakMorado 
 Green RedGreen DaccaPisang Belitung Pisang MundamKluai Kung KhieoMoradong Puti 
 --Pisang NangkaPisang Nangka-NangkaQuarantine Eagle Farm
 --Pisang SusuPisang Susu--Quarantine Eagle Farm
AABSilkSugarPisang Raja SerehPisang Rastali-Latundan 
 PomeLady Finger---- 
 Pisang KelatKingPisang LongongPisang Kelat AirKluai Nam FatGalamay Senora 
 MysoreMysorePisang SarimanPisang KelingKluai Thong DaengInangel 
 Pisang RajaPisang RajaPisang RajaPisang Raja-Radja 
 Horn PlantainHorn PlantainPisang TandukPisang TandokKluai Nga ChangTindok 
ABBBluggoeBluggoePisang Kosta HijauPisang Abu KelingKluai SomMatavia 
 -Silver BluggoePisang Kosta Putih-Kluai HakmuKatsila 
 Pisang AwakDucassePisang Siem ParisPisang AwakKluai NamwaKatali 
 -SabaPisang KepokPisang NipahKluai Lep Chang KutSabaQuarantine Eagle Farm

* Stover, R.H. and Simmonds, N.W. (1987) "Bananas" Longman London.
** Pisang = banana, Kluai = banana.

Jeff Daniells
Senior Horticulturist QDPI, South Johnstone, Q.

DATE: November 1989

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