2 large green plantains
4 cups salted water (optional)
2 cups oil

Peel the plantains and slice into 2" rounds. If desired, the slices may be soaked in salted water for 15 to 30 minutes to remove some of the starchy flavour of the plantain.

Drain slices and pat dry with paper towels. Fry at 375° for about 5 minutes, turning over once. Make sure the slices do not brown, but remain a golden colour.

Remove from oil and drain. With a rolling pin or heel of hand on waxed or brown paper, flatten the slices to ½ inch thick. Return slices to oil and fry over high heat till brown and crisp. Drain, salt.

Serve warm with cool drink.

Cardwell/Johnstone Branch Newsletter Dec.19B9

DATE: January 1991

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