FAMILY: Musaceae

In March/April, 1989 and February 1990, I visited Tonga, Western Samoa and the Cook Islands in association with the banana plant improvement project funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). The principal aim of the project is to upgrade the South Pacific and Australian banana industries by providing them with new and alternative banana and plantain varieties. These varieties would have an improved level of resistance to Sigatoka leaf diseases and Fusarium wilts (Panama disease), to help develop their domestic and export markets.

While in these countries, I collected some of their indigenous banana varieties and classified the range of banana varieties present. Table 1 is a summary showing the major varieties and their various names in the different countries. Names and spellings given for a variety also vary within countries. The most widely used name is given in the Table. The most popular varieties present are Cavendish (Williams, mainly), Maia Maoli/Popoulu types (those resembling Pacific Plantain - Corne Plantain grown in north Queensland), Bluggoe, Blue Java, Mysore (W. Samoa only) and Lady Finger (Cook Islands only). Bananas are an important staple food in W. Samoa and to a far lesser extent in Tonga and the Cook Islands.

It is the aim of the QDPl to improve the profitability of banana growing in Queensland and ensuring its long-term viability. Threats to the commercial banana industry by black Sigatoka leaf disease and banana bunchy top virus present in the South Pacific countries, means that strict quarantine must be enforced when new varieties are being introduced, to ensure these diseases do not enter and jeopardize our industry. Collecting and quarantine takes about 2 years, while field evaluation can take a further 3-6 years before commercial release.

Table 1. Some South Pacific Banana Varieties - Classification and Synonyms

GenomeStover and Simmonds
Australian NameTongan NameWestern Samoan
Cook Islands Name

AAAGros MichelGros MichelSiaine FisiFa'i Fia Palagi-
 Dwarf CavendishDwarf CavendishSiaine Tonga-Amoa Taunga Potopoto
 Giant CavendishWilliamsSiaine Ha'amoaFa'i PalagiAmoa Taunga
 Pisang Masak HijauLacatan-Fa'i PalagiAmoa Kauare
 RedRed DaccaMisi PekaFa'i NiueMeika Initia
 Green RedGreen DaccaUnnamed-Unnamed
 ---Fa'i Kurnakuma-
 PomeLady FingerUnnamedFa'i Fia Misi LukiMario
 PomeSanta Catarina Prata--Ice Cream
 MysoreMysorePateleFa'i Misi Luki-
 ----Meika Initia
 PlantainHorn PlantainHopa Fie Siaine-Tarapuatouro
 PlantainFrench Plantain--Tarapuakanio
 -LaknauHopa Fie SiaineNifopuvi-
 Maia MaoliMaia Maoli/PopouluHopa (various)Fa'i Samoa (various)Mangaro (various)
 -IholenaMamaeFa'i Mamae-
ABBBluggoeBluggoePata TongaFa'i Pata SamoaTarua Matie
 BluggoeSilver Bluggoe--Tarua Teatea
 -Blue JavaPata HinaFa'i Pata SinaTarua Teatea
ABBB--PalakihaFa'i Pata TongaRekua
Wild SpeciesMusa acuminata
ssp banksii
Musa acuminata
ssp banksii
-Fa'i Taemanu-
OtherFe'i--Fa'i Soa'aVei

* Stover, R.H. and Simmonds, N.W. (1987) "Bananas" Longman London.
Jeff Daniells
Senior Horticulturist QDPI,

DATE: November 1990

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