This is a round starchy fruit about the size of a football. It has a tough green skin and a corky centre. It is chiefly used when fully grown but green. However, ripe fruits can be made into puddings and cookies. It may be used in any dish to replace English potatoes.
Boiled Breadfruit
1 green but mature fruit (about 1 Kg)
1 tsp. salt
1½ cups water or coconut milk
Breadfruit also makes delicious hot chips, when prepared as for English potato chips.
Food Value
About 3½ oz. of the edible portion will produce somewhat over 103 calories. It has also been found to contain about 70.8% water, 1.7% protein, and about 26% carbohydrate, with traces of various minerals and vitamins. (C.F.N.I. Tables)
DATE: January 1982
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