1 large mature breadfruit
2 tins coconut milk (or fresh coconut milk) ***
extra fresh milk
1 cup sugar (more or less according to taste)
2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla essence (or ½ vanilla pod cut up)

Peel, core and slice breadfruit in ½-inch thick slices. Arrange neatly in large, greased, heavy-base saucepan. Add sugar, salt, vanilla, coconut milk and enough fresh milk to cover breadfruit completely.

Bring to the boil with lid off. Reduce heat and simmer for 1-1½ hours until milk is reduced to a thick cream around the breadfruit. (Do not cook with lid on at any time as milk will overboil).

Serve hot or cold. Can be frozen in airtight containers.

*** Fresh coconut milk: Grate coconut. Add 2 cups of hot water to 1 cup coconut. Put in blender until thick and creamy. Sieve through a cloth or tea towel. More water can be added to the sieved coconut and blended again to get a weaker milk which can still be used.

S. Morgan

DATE: May 1985

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