1 large pummelo
1½ cup water
1½ cup sugar
1/3 cup light corn syrup
extra water and sugar
Pull off the skin and white pith together from the pummelo and cut it into strips about 4cm.
Place the peel in a saucepan and cover it with water. Bring it to the boil and boil for 1 minute, rinse and repeat.
Cover with cold water, bring to boil, lower heat and simmer until the rind is slightly tender (approx. 10-15 minutes).
Combine the water, sugar and light corn syrup, bring to boil for 1 minute, add the peel and boil gently until the syrup thickens. Stir occasionally.
Boil until most of the liquid is gone, then stir constantly until no liquid remains. This will take about 45 minutes. Spread the sugar on a baking sheet and lay the pummelo strips on it. Sprinkle wilh more sugar, toss gently to coat and separate. Spread on a rack to dry. It takes a day or more to get crunchy-crisp. Pack in an airtight container.
DATE: March 1993
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