SCIENTIFIC NAME: Artocarpus lakoocha
FAMILY: Moraceae

Botanical Name:Artocarpus lakoocha
Common Names:Red Jakfruit, monkeyjak, lakuchi (India), tampang (Malaysia)
Family:Moraceae - other members include the mulberry, breadfruit, and other Jakfruit relatives.
Origins:Southern Asia - from the humid sub Himalayan regions of India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Description:The tree- 6 to 9 metres
- open branches rather than closed like other Jakfruit
 Leaves- large with hairs
- deciduous at certain times of the year
 Flowers- at the base of leaves and stems of new growth only
- male and female on same tree
- male flowers are small, orange-coloured, spongy balls, 1-2 cm in diameter
 Fruit- main flowering period seems to be the wet season
- seedlings bear fruit in 4-5 years
- round, 5-10 cm wide but can be irregularly shaped depending on degree of pollination
- ripe when colour changes to dull yellow with a pinkish tinge
- the pulp is sweet with a pleasant tangy citrus taste, a bit like Kwai Muk fruit
- eat all the fruit including the skin and the "rags"
- seeds are surrounded by an aril (like Jakfruit)
- can be eaten raw but the books say mostly made into curries or chutneys
Other uses:- male flowers made into pickles (how?)
- seeds are edible
- wood is similar to Teak, heavy and durable
- the bark can be chewed like betel nut
- the wood and roots can be used for dye
- the bark can be applied to skin ailments
- the fruit is believed to be a liver tonic
Requirements:- seems to need minimal care i.e. that's all it gets at Sycamore St.
- no pests or diseases so far
- birds will eat the ripe fruit if it is left on the tree
- hand pick ripe fruit. A fruit picker will dent/bruise/squash fruit
Cultivation:- propagate from seeds
- grafted trees are available
- prunes well
- slow grower
References:Morton, J., Fruits of Warm Climates
Facciola, S., Cornucopia, a Source Book of Edible Plants
Anne Bruyeres

DATE: May 1998

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