SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mangifera indica
FAMILY: Anacardiaceae

• Don't at tempt to root prune while tree is in flower or with fruit on. The best time to do it is around about April in Mackay area, with the exception of Keitt mango or other late bearers.

• Mark out the tree drip-line on the ground. To do this dribble a line using white lime or run a water hose to show you where to dig.

• Dig a trench around the tree approximately 1 foot deep by 1 foot wide. Cut off any roots that you encounter in this trench.

• Remove the dirt that has been dug out of the trench and replace with new soil, preferably sandy loam with a good mix of organic matter, i.e. blood and bone, or seaweed or filter-press to make a few suggestions.

• Lastly, using a watering can, mix up liquid potash or a good trace element liquid fertiliser and drench the ring of new soil with it.

Kevin Whitten,
Mackay Branch Newsletter Nov. 1994

DATE: March 1995

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