1 large papaya, ripe (725 g, weight after peeling)
2 large onions
2 red chillies or ¼ tsp chilli powder
4 cloves garlic
2 medium Granny Smith apples
green ginger, ½ size walnut
1 cup vinegar
1 cup sugar
3 tsp salt
2 tsp allspice
1 tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp ground cloves

De-seed chillies, and chop with onions, garlic, ginger. Chop peeled apples and papaya and put in blender or food processor with onion, garlic, ginger and chillies (OR cook a little longer to pulp).

Put all ingredients into heavy-based pan and cook over medium heat ¾-1 hour, stirring occasionally. Put through sieve if not smooth enough.

Put into sterilized bottles (put them in oven, 100°C or 200°F, or acquire some bottle sterilizer from your husband's home brewing kit). Use funnel if using sauce bottles.

Use sauce as you would tomato sauce - also very nice with fried rice, cheese, fish and cold meat.

DATE: November 1980

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