Use the numbers on this page to identify the leaves in the photograph.
1. | aibika, pele | Abelmoschus manihot | very good | small woody bush; many different kinds | Easy Method (no longer than 5 minutes, turn leaves once) | |
2. | amaranth, tropical spinach, Ceylon spinach | Amaranthus species | very good | plant with stand-up stems and spikes of flowers; many different kinds | Easy Method or Stir Frying | |
3. | basella, creeping spinach | Basella alba, Basella rubra | good | climbing or bushy plant with pink or white flowers | Easy Method (no longer than 5 minutes), Stir Frying or raw in salads | |
4. | breadfruit leaves | Artocarpus altilis | very good | large fruit-bearing tree | choose very young leaves, softened over a fire; remove stalk, then cook by Easy Method for 20 minutes | |
5. | cassava leaves | Manihot esculenta | very good | root-bearing shrub | choose young leaves; cook by Special Method. Do not eat raw | |
6. | chilli leaves | Capsicum frutescens | very good | small fruit-bearing bush | Easy Method or Stir Frying | |
7. | Chinese cabbage, pak choi | Brassica chinensis | good | dark green leaves with light stalks | Easy Method, Stir Frying, or raw in salads | |
8. | cowpea leaves* | Vigna unguiculata | good | climbing or bushy plant with long pea pods | Easy Method or Stir Frying | |
9. | drumstick tree, horse radish tree | Moringa oleifera | very good | small tree with yellowish-white flowers and long pods | Easy Method or Stir Frying | |
10. | European cabbage | Brassica oleracea (var. capitata) | fair | solid round heads of light green leaves | Easy Method, Stir Frying or raw in salads | |
11. | fern | Athyrium esculentum | good | large wild fern that grows in wet places | use top of stalks, split into 4 pieces, then cook by Easy Method | |
12. | gnetum, jointfir spinach | Gnetum gnemon | very good | small nut-bearing tree that usually grows in the bush | choose very young leaves, use Easy Method or Stir Frying. Do not eat raw | |
13. | Indian mulberry tree | Morinda citrifolia | very good | small tree with white flowers and bumpy fruits | choose very young leaves and use Easy Method | |
14. | kangkong, swamp cabbage | Ipomoea aquatica | good | trailing plant that grows in water or on dry land | Easy Method, Stir Frying or raw in salads | |
15. | pumpkin leaves | Cucurbita moschata | good | fruit-bearing vine | choose young shoots and leaves, use Easy Method or Stir Frying | |
16. | roselle, red sorrel | Hibiscus sabdariffa | good | small bush with woody branches | Easy Method or Stir Frying | |
17. | sweet potato leaves | Ipomoea batatas | good | root-bearing vine | Easy Method or Stir Frying | |
18. | taro leaves | Colocasia esculenta, Xanthosoma species | very good | root-bearing shrub | choose soft young leaves with pale stalks, use Special Method. Do not eat raw | |
19. | water cress | Nasturtium officinale, Roripa nasturtium-aquaticum | good | trailing plant that grows in water | collect only from clean water. Easy Method (only 3 minutes, Stir Frying or raw in salads | |
20. | winged bean leaves | Psophocarpus tetragonolobus | very good | climbing plant with long four-sided pods | Easy Method, Stir Frying or raw in salads | |
* No photograph is shown |
DATE: July 1984
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