Information flowed in both directions at the R.N.A. show in Brisbane. The RFCA put on a terrific display to educate the public about rare fruits, and in return, gleaned information about how they are eaten from visitors passing by.
Jakfruit: Seed boiled and mashed. Add palm sugar or brown sugar to taste and make into round balls. Eat.
Jakfruit Salad: Boil green jakfruit until soft. Separate rags. Add spring onions, garlic and ginger, onions, vinegar or lemon or salt and pepper. Add coconut cream. Eat.
Jakfruit in Sri Lanka is eaten ripe with salt and pepper.
Bunya Nuts: Split raw nut and cook one minute in microwave on high. Tastes good.
Wood Apples: Are cracked, sieve out seeds. Add milk and honey to taste.
Horseradish pods (Moringa): These can be eaten by peeling strings of tender pods and boil in water until tender. When cooked, open and eat seeds.
Mango: South American people like green mango with lemon juice.
Mamee Apple: Peel and dice flesh into small pieces. Pour in water, sugar to taste, pinch of salt, ice. Use as drink. Also make into marmalade.
Dillenia (Elephant Apple): Cut fruit into quarters. Drop a wedge into a glass of milk and leave overnight. It turns into a custard yoghurt. Reportedly delicious.
Durian: When eating fresh durian out of shell, cut along divider on skin and allowing flesh to be removed easily and leaving a hollow. Fill with water and swirl around. Drink this water, removes odour from mouth. Wash hands in same water and removes smell.
Pomelo: Pith can be put in a meat stew. Tastes lovely.
Star Gooseberry: Salt and vinegar (red or white). Put in bottle and leave for seven days. Open and eat. Gets stronger if left longer.
Bilimbi: Eaten fresh with salt and vinegar or just salt. Can also be chopped up with soy sauce with just a dash of tabasco sauce.
Santol skins: Can be used in place of tamarind or bilimbi.
DATE: September 1992
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