Wedge or cleft grafting, which is a relatively easy method of asexual propagation, has been widely used on fruit trees. It is particularly desirable when budding is difficult and the buds on the scion are hardly detectable. It has been found to be very suitable for the propagation of mango trees. Fig.1 to 10 show the steps of wedge grafting on a mango plant.

Photo of small mango tree in potFig. 1. A 4-5 month old seedling of the same species raised in a polythene bag is used as rootstock.
 The apical end of the rootstock is removed.Fig. 2 The apical end of the rootstock is removed. A split is formed on the stock by making a vertical cut 3-4 cm down from the centre of the stub.
The scion is defoliated, disinfected and shapedFig. 3.The terminal current season's shoot in active growth of a desirable clone, about 0.8-1.2cm in diameter, is selected as scion material. It is defoliated and disinfected prior to grafting. The scion may be of the same or smaller diameter than the rootstock.
 Photo of the prepared scionFig. 4 The base of the scion is cut with an equal-sided wedge. The scion with the basal end in the form of a wedge is ready for insertion.
Fig. 5. The scion is inserted into the split of the rootstock so that at least one side of the cambia of the rootstock and the scion is in intimate contact.The scion inserted into the rootstock
The join is wrapped with clear polythene.Fig. 6. The scion and the rootstock are tied firmly in position with a clear polythene strip.
 The scion and the join are wrapped with polythene.Fig. 7 The scion is then wrapped with a clear polythene strip to ensure that it is well-covered to prevent excessive wetting of the grafted portion should the rain water flow into it.
Photo of small mango tree with a new graftFig. 8. The wedge grafting is completed.
 The scion begins to put out leaves.Fig. 9 After the graft has healed and the terminal bud of the scion begins to sprout, loosen the polythene strip to allow the shoot to grow normally to avoid girdling.
Fig. 10. A mango sapling successfully propagated by wedge grafting.A mango sapling successfully propagated by wedge grafting.
Yong Yo Siew Yee, Agriculture Division.
Extract from Primary Production Bulletin
Aug. 1988, Singapore

DATE: January 1989

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