For a mild coconut flavour, use 2 cups coconut milk. For a heavier flavour use 2 cups coconut cream.

Add 1 cup honey and 1 cup sugar to milk or cream and stir over heat until sugar is dissolved.

Boil rapidly, stirring to keep coconut from sticking to the bottom and burning. Cook to 222° on candy thermometer. It should not take longer than 5 minutes. If you do not have a thermometer, you can tell when the honey cooks down in the pot, and also you can test the mixture in cold water. It should not dissolve, but still should not be thick enough to form a soft ball.

To cook honey, use a pan that will hold four times the volume of the original mixture, so that it will not boil over.

Na Lima Kokua,
the Helping Hands of the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden

DATE: September 1985

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