26 bird's eye chillies
3 Tbl Cream of Tartar
4 quarts water
2¼ lbs white sugar
8 quarts cold water
2 Tbl essence of lemon
2 Tbl yeast
the white of 1 egg.

Boil the chillies with the Cream of Tartar in 4 quarts of the water for 20 minutes. Strain over the sugar, and stir in 8 quarts of cold water, the lemon essence, yeast and the white of 1 egg. Bottle quickly, tie down well. Will be ready in 4 days - stone bottles are best to use.

This is an excellent drink - maybe use a little less sugar. It gets very fizzy so don't leave in the bottles very long - or BANG!

Tony Ellen
(From Home Cookery for New Zealand, 1929)

DATE: July 1981

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