
1½ cups of plain flour
¾ cup self-raising flour
1/3 cup cornflour
1/3 cup custard powder
185g butter or margarine
1 Tbl sugar
1 egg yolk
1/3 cup water, approximately

250g cream cheese
15ml gelatine
juice and rind of one lemon
1 can condensed milk
375ml guanabana puree
1 pastry or crumb crust

Make the pastry: Sift flour and custard powder into a bowl, Rub in the butter, add sugar.

Make a well in the centre, add egg yolk and enough water to mix to a firm dough.

Knead lightly, cover and refrigerate for an hour. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface large enough to line a pie plate.

Cook until lightly brown. There is enough pastry for a covered pie, or two uncovered pies.

Make Filling: Soften the cream cheese. Add the gelatine to the lemon juice and dissolve by heating over hot water or in the microwave.

Beat the cream cheese, condensed milk, dissolved gelatine, lemon rind and guanabana puree.

Turn into pie crust and refrigerate for at least 12 hrs.

Decorate the top with cream and fresh fruit

DATE: November 1998

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